Medical Treatment Visa – Subclass 602 Visa

This visa is designed for individuals who need to undergo medical treatment or provide support to someone requiring medical treatment.

Eligibility for Application

You can apply for this visa even if you are currently unlawful, provided you have the necessary documentation to submit a valid application to the Department of Immigration.

Scenarios for Medical Treatment

There are numerous circumstances under which medical treatment can be accessed through this visa. Each scenario is unique, and the specific requirements will depend on the nature of the treatment and individual circumstances.

Key Requirements

To be granted this visa, applicants must meet a variety of requirements tailored to their situation. It is essential to review these conditions thoroughly before applying.

Expert Assistance

We have extensive experience in handling Medical Treatment (Subclass 602) visas. If you require assistance with your application, feel free to contact us via email at xxx or call us at xxx.

Important Information

  • The information provided here is general in nature and does not constitute immigration advice.
  • Visa-related regulations and requirements may change without notice. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information provided, individuals should not rely solely on this information to make decisions regarding their visa application.
  • We strongly recommend consulting a migration agent or lawyer to discuss your specific circumstances and individual needs before making any decisions.

Please note that any immigration advice provided is strictly limited to immigration assistance as defined under section 276 of the Migration Act 1958. It does not extend to any other type of advice beyond what is outlined in this legislation.