Bridging Visa Overview

Bridging visas are temporary visas that allow individuals to stay lawfully in Australia while their substantive visa applications or other processes are being finalized. Below is a summary of the key types of Bridging Visas, their eligibility criteria, and associated details:

Bridging Visa A (Subclass 010)

When you apply for a substantive visa (e.g., student, partner visa), a Bridging Visa A is typically applied automatically. However, in some cases, a separate application is required, such as:

  • If you have applied for judicial review.
  • If you are applying for work rights on a Bridging Visa A (removal of Condition 8101).
  • If your substantive visa application did not include an associated Bridging Visa A application.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Be in Australia at the time of application and decision.
  • Have made a valid application for a substantive visa that is yet to be decided or have applied for judicial review.

Bridging Visa B (Subclass 020)

This visa allows travel outside Australia while your substantive visa is being processed.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Have made a valid application for a substantive visa that is yet to be decided or have applied for judicial review.
  • Have reasons for traveling outside Australia.
  • Return to Australia within the travel validity of your Bridging Visa B.
  • Be a holder of a Bridging Visa A or B.
  • Be in Australia at the time of application and decision.

Bridging Visa C (Subclass 030)

Like Bridging Visa A, a Bridging Visa C is typically applied automatically when you submit a substantive visa application. However, separate applications may be required in cases such as:

  • Applying for judicial review.
  • Seeking work rights (removal of Condition 8101).
  • If your substantive visa application did not include an associated Bridging Visa C application.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Be in Australia at the time of application and decision.
  • Must not have held a Bridging Visa E since the last substantive visa.
  • Must not currently hold a Bridging Visa E.
  • Have made a valid application for a substantive visa that is yet to be decided or have applied for judicial review.

Bridging Visa D (Subclass 040/041)

Provides temporary lawful status to individuals who:

  • Plan to apply for a substantive visa within the next 5 days.
  • Do not currently hold a visa (or will become unlawful in the next 3 days).
  • Have attempted to lodge a valid application for a substantive visa but were unable to do so.

Bridging Visa E (Subclass 050)

This visa allows individuals who are unlawful to stay in Australia temporarily.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Be unlawful (not hold any visa), hold a Bridging Visa E (Subclass 050), or hold a Bridging Visa D (Subclass 041).
  • Be in Australia at the time of application and decision.
  • Meet one of the following conditions:
    • Seeking Ministerial Intervention.
    • Applying for a substantive visa.
    • Making arrangements to depart Australia.
    • Seeking Merits Review or Judicial Review of a citizenship or visa decision.

Bridging Visa E (Subclass 051)

This visa is designed for individuals applying for a Protection Visa and can only be granted in limited circumstances.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Be in immigration detention.
  • Have applied for a Protection Visa or judicial review of a Protection Visa.
  • Have passed immigration clearance or been refused immigration clearance, with notification to Immigration within 45 days of entering Australia.

Important Notes

  • Information provided is general in nature and does not constitute immigration advice.
  • Immigration policies are subject to change, and it is crucial to verify all requirements before making decisions.
  • Before applying for a visa or taking any immigration-related steps, consult a migration agent or lawyer to evaluate your specific circumstances.

This content complies with Section 276 of the Migration Act 1958 and is provided solely as immigration assistance under this legislation.