BUSINESS VISA (188, 888, 890)
Subclass 188 – Business Innovation Stream
Eligibility Criteria:
- At the time of application and decision, you can be inside or outside Australia.
- Receive an invitation to apply from an Australian State or Territory.
- Must have an annual business turnover of at least AUD$750,000 for at least two years within the last four years.
- You and your partner must possess personal and business assets of at least AUD$1.25 million.
- Achieve a minimum of 65 points.
- Be under 55 years of age (exceptions apply if your business demonstrates exceptional economic benefit to a State).
Please note there are additional requirements beyond these baseline criteria.
Subclass 188 – Investor Stream
Eligibility Criteria:
- At the time of application and decision, you can be inside or outside Australia.
- Receive an invitation to apply from an Australian State or Territory.
- Must meet the following:
- You or your partner must have a 10% ownership interest in a “qualifying business,” OR
- Hold an “eligible investment” of at least AUD$2.5 million.
- Have at least three years of experience managing eligible investments or qualifying businesses.
- You and your partner must possess personal and business assets worth at least AUD$2.5 million for the two years before receiving an invitation.
- Invest AUD$2.5 million in Australia in the following proportions:
- AUD$1.25 million in balancing investments through managed funds.
- At least AUD$750,000 in approved managed funds (e.g., emerging companies on the ASX).
- At least AUD$500,000 in growth private equity funds and venture capital.
- Achieve a minimum of 65 points.
- Be under 55 years of age (exceptions apply if your business demonstrates exceptional economic benefit to a State).
Please note there are additional requirements beyond these baseline criteria.
Subclass 188 – Significant Investor Stream
Eligibility Criteria:
- At the time of application and decision, you can be inside or outside Australia.
- Receive an invitation to apply from an Australian State or Territory.
- Invest AUD$5 million in Australia in the following proportions:
- AUD$2.5 million in balancing investments through managed funds.
- At least AUD$1.5 million in approved managed funds (e.g., emerging companies on the ASX).
- At least AUD$1 million in growth private equity funds and venture capital.
- Achieve a minimum of 65 points.
Please note there are additional requirements beyond these baseline criteria.
Subclass 188 – Business Innovation Extension Stream
Eligibility Criteria:
- At the time of application and decision, you can be inside or outside Australia.
- Hold a Business Innovation and Investment (Provisional) visa (subclass 188) Innovation Stream for three years (unless COVID-19 exemptions apply).
- Demonstrate that you are required to be in Australia to manage your business’s day-to-day operations and that your substantial presence is necessary for its operation.
- The business must have been operating for at least two years (unless COVID-19 exemptions apply).
Please note there are additional requirements beyond these baseline criteria.
Subclass 188 – Significant Investor Extension Stream
Eligibility Criteria:
- At the time of application and decision, you can be inside or outside Australia.
- You must have held only one Business Innovation and Investment (Provisional) visa (subclass 188) Significant Investor Extension Stream visa.
- Maintain your complying significant investment.
Please note there are additional requirements beyond these baseline criteria.
Subclass 188 – Entrepreneur Stream
Eligibility Criteria:
- At the time of application and decision, you can be inside or outside Australia.
- Receive an invitation to apply from an Australian State or Territory.
- Undertake entrepreneurial activities involving innovative ideas that contribute to business development in Australia or commercialization of a product/service. Activities must not involve labor hire, residential real estate, or purchasing an existing business/franchise.
- Must be endorsed by a recognized body.
Please note there are additional requirements beyond these baseline criteria.
Subclass 888 – Business Innovation Stream
Eligibility Criteria:
- At the time of application and decision, you can be inside or outside Australia.
- Hold a subclass 188 Business Innovation Stream visa, subclass 444 visa, subclass 188 Business Innovation Extension Stream visa, or subclass 457 visa (under certain conditions; COVID-19 concessions apply).
- Obtain a nomination from an Australian State or Territory.
- Meet the following ownership and management requirements for your business in Australia during the last two years:
- Own at least 51% of a business with an annual turnover below AUD$400,000, OR
- Own at least 30% of a business with an annual turnover above AUD$400,000, OR
- Own at least 10% of a publicly listed company.
- The business must have an annual turnover of at least AUD$300,000 during the last 12 months.
- Fulfill two of the following in the last 12 months before application:
- Personal and business assets of AUD$600,000 net value.
- Employ two full-time employees (Australian citizens, PR holders, or NZ passport holders, excluding family members).
Please note there are additional requirements beyond these baseline criteria.
Subclass 888 – Investor Stream
Eligibility Criteria:
- At the time of application and decision, you can be inside or outside Australia.
- Hold a subclass 188 Investor Stream visa (COVID-19 concessions apply).
- Obtain a nomination from an Australian State or Territory.
- Maintain your complying investment of AUD$2.5 million throughout the visa period.
Please note there are additional requirements beyond these baseline criteria.
Subclass 888 – Significant Investor Stream
Eligibility Criteria:
- At the time of application and decision, you can be inside or outside Australia.
- Hold a subclass 188 Significant Investor Stream visa or subclass 188 Significant Investor Extension Stream visa (COVID-19 concessions apply).
- Obtain a nomination from an Australian State or Territory or Austrade.
- Maintain your complying investment of AUD$5 million throughout the visa period.
Please note there are additional requirements beyond these baseline criteria.
Subclass 888 – Premium Investor Stream
Eligibility Criteria:
- At the time of application and decision, you can be inside or outside Australia.
- Hold a subclass 188 Premium Investor Stream visa (COVID-19 concessions apply).
- Obtain a nomination from Austrade.
- Maintain your complying investment of AUD$15 million throughout the visa period.
Please note there are additional requirements beyond these baseline criteria.
Subclass 888 – Entrepreneur Stream
Eligibility Criteria:
- At the time of application and decision, you can be inside or outside Australia.
- Hold a subclass 188 Entrepreneur Stream visa (COVID-19 concessions apply).
- Obtain a nomination from an Australian State or Territory.
- Demonstrate a successful record of entrepreneurial activities with at least two key success factors or one key success factor and three supporting success factors.
- Key Success Factors:
- Annual turnover of at least AUD$300,000.
- Partnership with a university.
- Employment of two Australian citizens, PR holders, or NZ passport holders.
- Securing funding for entrepreneurial activities.
- Sale of an entrepreneurial venture valued at AUD$2 million.
- Filing a provisional or standard patent.
- Supporting Success Factors:
- Formal awards or recognition.
- Statement of success from a State or Territory nominator.
- Sponsorship from the corporate sector.
- Expansion of entrepreneurial activities into new areas.
- Raising or contributing to social capital.
- Establishing one business and contributing to two others.
- Key Success Factors:
- Activities such as labor hire, residential real estate, or purchasing an existing enterprise/franchise are not eligible.
Please note there are additional requirements beyond these baseline criteria.
Subclass 890 – Business Owner Visa
Eligibility Criteria:
- Hold a visa (subclass 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, or 165).
- During the last two years before application:
- Own at least 51% of a business with an annual turnover below AUD$400,000, OR
- Own at least 30% of a business with an annual turnover above AUD$400,000, OR
- Own at least 10% of a publicly listed company.
- Have net business assets of at least AUD$100,000.
- The business must have a turnover of at least AUD$300,000.
- Employ two full-time staff (Australian citizens, PR holders, or NZ passport holders, excluding family members).
- Hold personal and business assets of AUD$250,000.
Please note there are additional requirements beyond these baseline criteria.
For assistance with your business visa, please contact us at xxx or xxx. The information provided here is general and does not constitute immigration advice. Always consult a registered migration agent or lawyer to consider your specific circumstances.
Disclaimer: Information is subject to change without notice. Accuracy is not guaranteed. Immigration advice provided here strictly pertains to immigration assistance under s276 of the Migration Act 1958.