Australian Citizenship Overview

Australian citizenship can be obtained through various pathways.

Eligibility Groups

Applicable for:

  • Permanent Residents of Australia aged 18–59
  • Eligible New Zealand citizens
  • Partner/spouses of an Australian citizen
  • Refugees
  • Children aged:
    • 16–17 years
    • 15 years or younger (if applying with a guardian or parent)
  • Commonwealth Child Migration Scheme migrants

New Zealand Citizen Pathway

To apply for citizenship as a New Zealand citizen:

  • Residence Requirement: Live in Australia on a valid visa for the past 4 years.
  • Hold a Subclass 444 (Special Category Visa) for the past 12 months.
  • Must not have been outside Australia for more than:
    • 12 months total in the past 4 years.
    • 90 days total in the past 12 months.

General Eligibility Criteria

To qualify for Australian Citizenship:

  1. Be a Permanent Resident or an eligible New Zealand citizen.
  2. Meet the Residence Requirement:
    • Live in Australia on a valid visa for 4 years, including 12 months as a permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen.
    • Be outside Australia no more than 12 months in 4 years, and no more than 90 days in the past year.
  3. If residence requirements are unmet, Ministerial Discretions or Special Residence Requirements may apply.
  4. Pass the Citizenship Test (for applicants aged 18–59).
  5. Demonstrate a basic knowledge of the English language.

Eligibility for Applicants Aged 60+

For applicants aged 60 and above, citizenship eligibility includes:

  • Permanent residents or eligible New Zealand citizens.
  • Partners/spouses of an Australian citizen, Commonwealth Child Migration Scheme migrants, or refugees.
  • Meeting the Residence Requirement (same as above).
  • Citizenship test is not required.

Citizenship for Children of Australian Citizens


  • At least one parent was an Australian citizen at the time of the applicant’s birth.
  • Applicant was born outside Australia on or after 26 January 1949.

Steps to Australian Citizenship

  1. Apply: Submit your citizenship application.
  2. Interview & Test:
    • Immigration will schedule an interview and test (for applicants aged 18–59).
  3. Citizenship Ceremony:
    • After passing the test, receive approval and attend a citizenship ceremony.
    • Take the pledge of commitment to officially become a citizen.

Important Notes

  • Citizenship is only granted after the pledge of commitment at the ceremony.
  • Information provided is general and subject to change. Consult a migration agent or lawyer for tailored advice.
  • Immigration advice is provided under Section 276 of the Migration Act 1958.